Miriam in Thessaloniki, Greece // 4th report

Step by step the end is coming. I am not jinxing it but it’s a fact. In exactly one month I will be sitting in an airplane back to Germany. Uff. A lot of emotions are there right now which are quite hard to categorize. Not now! I will work through them step by step. I promise :D.

What else happened? The last three month since the beginning of January flew by quickly. I was travelling for quite some time. I traveled twice to Barcelona, to Budapest and Rotterdam. And yes, I am repressing the thoughts about the environment with all those flying. However, each experience was quite unique in its way That is something I am extremely grateful for. I participated for example in a project about fine Arts which was in my opinion one of the best programs I went to.

But more interesting than writing more about Erasmus+ KA1, KA2,3 4 and 5 projects is that I started another thing. Something new. Something I never did before. It has been quite a long time in my mind, but I have never done it.

I started to write a play with a friend of mine who is also a volunteer in USB. The play is about characters of Greek mythology and a real life setting where they meet. We are right now in the process of creating the setting. What we know for sure is that the play will be set in one place, more precise one room. The setting: Group therapy session. All people present have some relationship issues and they try to work through them by working on their social and communicative skills. So, talks about family, relationships and the whole nine yards. Escalation material is provided by the characters themselves which are transferred into modern times. It is not clear if the characters are really mythological and possess supernatural powers by themselves or if they are solely speaking in metaphors OR if they are just pretty delusional. That’s the plot so far. But it’s work in progress, so we will see in one month where this path led us and how the story in the end will be.

I realized now that this will be the last report I write in Greece. Thanks a lot Hellas for having me.

Σε αγαπω

Miriam is hosted by United Societies of Balkans on the project “Global Difference Makers”, financed by the European Solidarity Corps and JUGEND für Europa.