“Leleee”, already 5 months are over!
As you can see, time is passing by very fast here, and I meanwhile learned some Macedonian (lele is an expression similar to „Oh my god)”
In other areas of life, I continue to improve myself too. My work in Go Green is giving me a lot of opportunities for that. I already had a bunch of bigger workshops and presentations with young people all over Macedonia, which is amazing. I am getting so much better in speaking freely in front of other people and of course my English is also improving steadily. Furthermore, I am getting experience in organizing events and organizing myself, which is desperately needed.
But also, I have to say my motivation for work was varying, when the honeymoon period of the first months was over. Sometimes I had a boost of energy because I had the feeling to be able to make a real impact in here, but sometimes I had lacks of motivation as well, caused by the Covid restrictions or missing inspiration and support from my organization. Right now, I am back on track and I am looking forward towards many great projects we will run in September.
On a social level I had truly highlife for the past months. I met so many awesome people from all over the world. I learned so much about other countries and cultures. I went on trips to Albania and more places in Macedonia with friends and in August even my family was here to visit me.
The summer has been great so far and I am sure the autumn will be too.
Enjoy the life guys and you will hear from me!
Till is hosted on the project “Volunteers for a Green Future” by GoGreen in Skopje, North Macedonia. The project is financed by the European Solidarity Corps and JUGEND für Europa.
Want to read Till’s blog on sustainable living? Here you go: https://www.bidizelen.org/en/efficient-buildings-made-from-straw-clay-and-wood/
And if you know Macedonian, you can also read an interesting article about the work of GoGreen and their volunteers here: https://umno.mk/mladite-i-ekosvesta-nauchiv-da-koristam-platnena-torba/