Writing this one feels very different from the first report. Because after six months I’m home, sitting in front of my computer and thinking about my past three months in Bremen. And when i think about it, so many memories are rushing through my mind and each one of them is really special. Even if my journey was shorter than others, I learned and experienced things that helped me grow and achieve many things. I remember very clearly the last night that all of us gathered together to say goodbye. I felt weird seeing the same faces that welcomed me when I first came and now they were saying goodbye to me. And it was just me that was going away and all of them stayed.
I’m happy to say that I realized my expectations about living and volunteering abroad. In this short time I had a chance to learn a lot of new things about everyday life in German culture but also I had a glimpse into cultures all around Europe. And by this I mean a lot of food, greetings and ways of living life that were new to me. And of course with opportunities like this one you meet a lot of new friends, the best colleagues, and a soulmate.
Also i can say that i really enjoyed doing my work, because i was surrounded by amazing people, and i completely fell in love with the place i was working in. I realised that I knew very little on the topic of gardening and sustainability, and learned as well that it’s never too late to start learning about the things you love and start doing them. It’s not very easy to always cooperate with the weather when you work in a garden, but there’s always a solution to enjoy even a bit of rain.
And what’s better than having your closest friends visiting you in your new city and getting to know your new life. Right when I was in the middle of my project I had the chance to see my friends and welcome them to Bremen. Even if we spent those ten days in heavy rain, being under a one big tent we still had lots of laughs, good times and making the best out of the circumstances we were in. I had a feeling like I was home, far away from home and it was a really nice and warm feeling. I have to admit I missed that when I was celebrating my birthday, a few weeks after my friends left. But I had an amazing celebration where I did and saw some things for the first time in my life.
As for the bad weather days when I couldn’t enjoy Bremen, I packed my backpack and took a little trip to Italy. I was really amazed by the architecture and I think it left a really big impression on me, but I can’t not mention the delicious food that I tried. I’m really glad that I made the younger me happy by fulfilling one of my travel dreams. And i couldn’t pick a better partner than someone who lives there, and have the experience a bit different than exploring on my own.
To conclude this report I just want to state how happy and satisfied I am with the decision I made six months ago when I applied for this. I didn’t know all of the adventures that were ahead of me, but I enjoyed each one of them. I really enjoyed this and I wish that I could go back in time and do it all over again.
Nina is hosted by NaturKultur e.V. on our project financed by the European Solidarity Corps and Jugend für Europa.