Hey hey little one, welcome to this report where I tell you a bit about my world.
It all really started when I got off that plane and entered this new world thinking “Wow, I’m so mature and independent now” and was faced with my first problem, a lost suitcase.
It wasn’t so bad! Once I settled in, I gradually got to know new people and the city. I also got a fine for not having a ticket and I advice you not to do that! Apart from that, everything went well, I met a lot of new people and that I had no idea that would be some of the most important people I have here.
With lots of stories to tell, running from place to place, going out, catching the tram at all hours, seeing flea markets, drinking vinho verde in some park in Hamburg or even…
Everything happens when we’re on these projects, but it’s the people we meet that make us feel at home, feel that we’re not alone, feel that no matter how bad everything is or seems, it’s going to be okay because despite everything, we’re people, we’re human and we support each other.
It’s so nice to see the affection of the people around me and to realize that I’m in the right place at the right time. Many emotions come together over the months, good and bad decisions, motivation comes and goes. Sometimes we make mistakes or don’t do what we should for a moment, but we’re volunteers, we’re here to learn and improve.
It would be a lie if I said that my volunteering was going perfectly but we all know that’s not true, life plays tricks on us and makes us see the world upside down.
This opportunity was the best thing I could have chosen, working in the office is different every day, no two days are the same. But the rituals are always the same, people jumping from desk to desk to talk to each other or ask for feedback, the typical lunchtime phrase “Is anyone else going to Lidl or do you need anything from there?” and is a process that really brings me comfort.
Fernando Pessoa, a Portuguese writer, once said: “Tudo vale a pena quando a alma não é pequena “, which means everything is worthwhile when the soul is not small. It’s a lesson and inspiration that I take with me and I want to believe that my soul is not small and that this experience is the start of something bigger.
I know it’s only been four months, but these months have taught me so much, not just about myself but about the world. There’s so much to see, to know, to read and to explore, we can’t and shouldn’t limit ourselves to our bubble and think that nothing good or bad will happen to us because we keep to ourselves and don’t let ourselves have a taste of what life is like.
A lot of things have happened since I came here, but that has only made me stronger and believe in the future that is to come. People change, experiences change, but what we have to take into account most is adapting to what’s coming.
I’m looking forward to the future and what it holds, but without forgetting the past and what it taught me. I hope to see you again and I’ll be back.
Beijinhos grande <3
Maria is hosted by NaturKultur e.V. on our project co-funded by the European Union.