Hello everyone!
It is been 6 months since I came here in Bremen, and I feel like I have been experiencing one of the cornerstone of my life since 6 months. It is always hard to change something in your life and in your comfort zone, but once you do this you feel open to any change. I think that European Solidarity Corps programme is the easiest way to change the flow of your life. That’s why I am happy to be a part of this programme.
Now I would like to mention my project, because I am the first person to be a part of this program in my working place. I work in Bremen Senate, department of international relations and development cooperations. Basically, my main task is to support city partnership between Bremen and Izmir. I was always interested in working of local governments and political things. Therefore, I had set myself an academic way to research and question it, and now I am practically at the heart of it. Can you imagine what an opportunity to observe!
Of course, things do not always go perfectly. First reason of it that you are in the country you do not know its language. However, I do not prefer to take it as a kind of misfortune, because sometimes it turns into funny moments. If you are in somewhere you do not know its language, everyone thinks you will have problems in government agencies, but my worst experience was in a fish store! I do not remember how many different languages at the same time we spoke with the seller in order to understand each other.
The best thing is my colleagues with whom I spend most of my day. I am always supported by them and the laughter that rises among all the serious work in our office warms my heart.
The long story short, Bremen welcomed me with open arms.
Liebe Grüße aus Bremen!
Helin is hosted by Freie Hansestadt Bremen Senatskanzlei on our project financed by the European Solidarity Corps and Jugend für Europa.