Vivianna in Bremen // 2nd Report

During my time in Bremen, I have mainly concentrated on enhancing my filming and editing skills. Working at the Deutsches dance film institute has provided the perfect environment for this. From capturing performances to editing footage, I’ve been actively involved in all aspects of the filmmaking process, gaining valuable hands-on experience along the way.

In addition to professional growth, I’ve also been focused on building my independence and establishing a life here in Bremen. This has involved navigating the city, managing my daily routines, and immersing myself in the local culture. Whether it’s exploring new neighborhoods or attending cultural events, I’ve embraced the opportunity to make Bremen feel like home.

Being involved with the volunteering community has added a unique dimension to my experience, providing me with invaluable insights into different cultures and perspectives.

With two more months ahead of me, I’m eager to continue my journey of self-improvement and exploration. I plan to dedicate even more time to refining my filming and editing techniques, seeking out new challenges and opportunities for growth. At the same time, I look forward to deepening my connections within the community and making the most of all that this vibrant city has to offer.

Vivianna is hosted by Deutsches Tanzfilminstitut (TAFI) on our project co-funded by the European Union.