Green Shopping – Sustainable Map of Bremen

A small yet beneficial change to help protect the environment can be changing where you shop and what you buy.  Bremen has a wide variety of shops that can help you make more environmentally friendly choices, all whilst supporting local businesses in the city. In this first blog, you can find out more about eco-friendly food and grocery shops in Bremen. 



Füllerei Findorff

Füllerei Findorff opened its door in 2020 after a crowdfunding campaign. It’s a new plastic-free shop in Bremen, where shoppers can purchase their groceries without plastic packaging, such as pasta, lentils, and tea. Shoppers can bring along their own jars, boxes, and containers to purchase groceries in, reducing the production of single-use disposable packaging. On their website you can also find their blog, where they post their DIY projects and tips on how to lead more sustainable lives.


Find out more about Füllerei Findorff on their website and blog.




SelFair Unverpacktladen

SelFair has been based in Bremen since 2016 and offers a wide range of products without plastic packaging: from basic groceries to local and regional produce, as well as eco-friendly cosmetic items and household cleaning products. They also have homemade snacks and daily fresh bread available to purchase, with many of these items being vegan, organic, or bio.  


Check out their website here.





Füllkorn is a plastic-free shop that strives towards reducing the purchase of disposable plastic packaging in order to protect the environment and promote the sale of fair-trade and regional items. They have a book and clothing exchange initiative in-store and offer expertise on a wide range of topics, such as sustainability, DIY and bio-products. 


Find out more on their website here.




L’Epicerie Bio

Inspired by the French tradition “en vrac” (“to buy items ‘loose’”), L’Epicerie Bio first opened its doors in 2018, selling plastic-free, eco-friendly products, with many of the items fair-trade or coming from the local region. This plastic-free shop “with a French flair” has a range of groceries and items on sale, from fresh fruit and vegetables to cosmetics and household cleaning products. There is also the option to order online and then collect your groceries in-shop.


Click here to order their products directly through their online shop.




Holtorfs Heimathaven Bremen

Heimathaven Bremen sell a wide range of items from their historic building in Viertel. Their groceries are locally sourced and they sell homemade jams and sweets and offer tasting evenings to try out their products. 


Check out their online shop here, where you can order craft beers, gins, and book your own online tasting event too.






Glückswinkel first opened in 2018 following a Crowdfunding campaign as Bremerhaven’s first sustainable and plastic packaging-free shop. From groceries and household products to cosmetics and gifts, there’s something for everyone in Glückswinkel, as well as the opportunity to order online and have your groceries delivered to your home. Glückswinkel also offers a baby-sling service, where you can purchase both new and second-hand high-quality carriers and slings. 


Find out more about Glückswinkel here.




Flotte Karotte

Flotte Karotte has been based in Findorff since 2001 and sells over 3000 bio-products, including many that are vegan, regional, and fair-trade, as well as fresh products, such as bread. Flotte Karotte also has a membership subscription scheme, which gives you the option to support the store monthly and purchase your groceries at a reduced price. 


To find out more about their membership options, click here!




Kornkraft Bioladen

Across the Oldenburg and Bremen regions, there are five Kornkraft bio-shops, offering regional, bio-products at a fair price. There are two branches in the Bremen area: one in Hemelingen, and one just outside the city in Ganderkesee, which both have a “bio-bistro”, offering homemade, fresh dishes, with many of them being vegetarian or vegan. 


Discover their recipes, with a new recipe each month, here!




Soziale Manufakturen

Soziale Manufakturen is an organisation that participates in various markets in and around Bremen. The organisation promotes sustainable, self-made, and local products. On their website, you can find their online calendar, which tells you where and when they’ll next be participating in a market.


Find out which market they’re taking part in here. Can’t attend one of the markets? Order online through their website.